Tuesday, February 26, 2008
{ 8:57 PM }
seri0usly,ii am taking a break 0ff my vide0s/dramas t0day..kinda tired watching everyday..ack..s0 fast 9pm le..wanna watch the 9pm new drama..hahha..din really catch the drama name..anyways..hahha..the ting is tsehwee is changing her bl0g t0 w0rdpress..hehs..anyway..jz a little update..managed to find the l0ve vide0 f0r she s0ng ii l0ve y0u..and ii added a few l0ve p0ems/sentences..jz under my pr0file.s0 thr..tis vide0 is really t0uching ders..feel lyk crying aft the vide0 finished..really t0uched my heart..
Labels: love, miscellaneous, music
Monday, February 25, 2008
{ 12:04 AM }
ell0s..ii jz created an animated display pic f0r myself..yays..s0 am g0nna upl0ad here..hees..ii made 0ne with rad's pic t00..hahaha...berii rand0m 0ne..0ky..here g0es..been s0 b0red with life recently..mayb c0s teaching ppl is t00 tired..and seeing ppl s0 free..hais..wad t0 d0?life still had t0 g0 0n..s0..~~will be updating bl0g h0pefully s00n..
Labels: miscellaneous, pictures
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
{ 12:09 AM }
actually wanna p0st s0meting up but..ii w0ke up early t0day and...9am..g0 back t0 slp..9.15am...back t0 sleep 5mins m0re..9.20am..0hkays..ii am 0fficially waked up..
-.- ..c0s ii wanna change and get 0ut 0f the h0use at 9.30am t0 c0llect my items..yes..the items ii b0ught 0nline..
BAGS..hahahs..s0..end up..ii g0tta c0llect den g0 h0me..open it up..hahah..lyk 0pening xmas pressiies..hahha..
:) hees..and s0 ii bring 0ne new bag t0 0ffice..yays..tis year n0 nid buy bags le..hais..ii tink ii am s0 br0ke tis m0nth..but actually tink thr's still s0me
$$ left in my bank acc..s0 until payday..ii g0t nth left t0 spend..when payday c0mes,ii g0t ting t0 spend again..but hab t0 limit myself le..
:( ..if nt really nth t0 spend le..siianx..
Labels: online, shopping
Monday, February 18, 2008
{ 11:14 PM }
yesternite,ii get a bad nitemare...ii even dreamt dat ii kena
SACKED by j0lly sehh..arghs..0ver a min0r tingy..it happen 0n sat..c0s kena sc0lded in fr0nt 0f him jz bec0s ii din inf0rm him dat my c0usins' are c0ming f0r a bl00d test..when ii recv the call,ii wanted t0 find him but he's nt ar0und..s0 ii asked the recept..if can let them c0me after 1pm c0s ii t0ld them cnt be later den 2/3pm c0s scared later n0 0ne's ar0und cnt take bl00d test 0r wad the heck lar..hais..s0metimes 0nce euu kena sc0lded by s0me0ne..yr brain kips tinking&&tinking..and den euu g0t nitemares le..:( anyway ii went t0 watch CJ7 on saturday with Viny..haha..at least dat t00k my brain 0ff dat t00tpid tingy f0r awhile..0ky g0nna update s0me impt linkiies in my bl0g le..s0 yea..signing 0ff n0w~~~..h0pe everyb0dy enj0y their w0rk tis week...
Labels: dreams, work
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
{ 11:25 PM }
hais..recently getting m00dy..c0s sad t0 say 3ppl w0rking at nite make miie berii hectic but 0s0 at the same time tend t0 tink t00 much..jz t0day while walking h0me ii kip tinking wad if my present r/s will c0ntinue its way lyk the prev 0ne..wad if tis & dat...?ii dun lyk the feeling 0r tinking..c0s al0t reas0ns..lyk n0 m0re 0f chatting 0n ph0ne..0r lyk euu play tis game..ii play an0ther type 0f game..n0 much c0mmunicating..&& even if t0king b0ut w0rk can lead t0...~euu knw lar..wad t0 d0?s0meting wr0ng with life tis year..0ur stars clashed~~0r wad?ii dunknw..berii weird..maybe euu shld check yr c0m under my f0lder wad did the pig d0cument & m0nyet d0cument says..?dats the h0r0sc0pe tingy..s0rry ii s0unded weird jz nw b0ut 14 Feb.whether ii will finish w0rk b4 9pm.dun feel lyk eating dinner le..wadever~~Labels: love, work
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
{ 11:39 PM }
heh..ii believe wh0ever wh0 c0mes by my bl0g will see the g00gle ads le..jz started tis wh0le ting t0day..aldy submitted my application b0ut 3days ag0..0nly t0day den they appr0ve the ting..hahha..c0s ii trying t0 f0ll0w the trend nw t0 ask ppl wh0 visit my bl0g t0 click the ads..s0 can earn revenue fr0m it 0s0..hehs..wh0 say g0t bl0g cnt earn $?dats yy euu guys&&gals can see a few ads 0n my bl0g..h0pefully it wun b0red euu d0wn..but mus supp0rt abit w0r..pls arh..hahha..ty in advance if any0ne d0 click the ads..and for th0se wh0se internet expl0rer dun hab g00gle t00lbar,euu can n0w click in the g00gle search in my bl0g le..yays..fyi,g00gle has a berii g00d g00gle search..wad ii can say is its better den yah00 search..ii 0ways use g00gle search first if really dun hab den use yah00 search..m0st 0f the time ii can find wad ii wan 0n g00gle..
Labels: randoms
Monday, February 11, 2008
{ 8:33 PM }

re-edited pics t0 bec0me lyk dat...
jz s0me pics 0f miie in cny cl0thes..hahha..even r0zy has left 0ffice le..anyway ii jz had a feeling she will leave s00ner 0r later c0s her leave is aldy used up..alm0st..and ii tink when she's late 0n 5 feb..its the last straw dat mayb Linda can take it..she shld knw herself..hw many chances J0lly had given her..if f0r miie..sure cnt stand it 0s0..jz feel abit sad f0r her nid t0 take up the l0ad 0f her children..f0r miie ii can 0nly take 0ne step at a time ba..trying my best aldy nt t0 make anym0re t00tpid mistakes..but euu knw s0metimes when euu really feeling tired,it means really euu cnt f0cus rite...the timetable tingy ii am aldy sick 0f it le...s0 its b0ut time ii pass it back t0 Linda t0 d0 the schedule c0s even June had left..IDPL supp0rt service suddenly seems s0 quiet with0ut the 2 0f them..

tis is h0w it l00ks lyk if ii put it h0riz0ntally..s0rry if the pics seem small..anyway its supp0sed t0 be f0r testing..hais..guess we'll have t0 see hw the situati0n is g0ing ba..g0t a new malay staff t0day..haha..ii 0ways the last t0 knw her name..0r it seems t0 be..actually wanna upl0ad the pics ytd but..due t0 unf0reseen circumstances dat bl0gger is having dat is yy the delay..
Labels: pictures, work
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
{ 9:29 PM }
happiie chinese new year t0 all wh0 c0mes by my bl0g..hahah..funny ting is these few years alth0ugh
cny is nearing,ii dun feel any
cny feeling at all..its lyk mayb ii getting 0ld le..dun feel lyk having
cny 0r celebrating
birthday anym0re..really thr's n0
cny m00d in miie 0r the
birthday m00d in miie anym0re..?ii really dunknw hw t0 get back the
feeling..s0meting's really
wr0ng..but ii jz take these days t0 be my 0ffdays 0r t0 say s0meting f0r miie t0 enj0y..
watch my dramas,play games...and....maybe t0
re-s0rt my
Labels: holidays
Friday, February 01, 2008
{ 10:04 PM }
0k..ty f0r the first r0und 0f surveys..and n0w f0r the 2nd r0und 0f surveys its f0r tis tube-t0p dress..

blue&white hems..

black&&0range hems..
n0w n0w..dear children pls let miie knw asap wich is nicer 0ky?s0 ii can 0rder it..ty h0r..!
Labels: fashion, shopping